Sunday, April 16, 2006

Departing from Principle ... Accidentally

     In a previous post, I mentioned that at some point in the second year of ECI’s existence, I would relax my policy of not playing selections that had appeared in any previous show. I thought I hadn’t arrived at the relaxation point yet. So, imagine my surprise when, checking items for the next show, I learned moments ago that a track I played on Episode 30 — Laurie Anderson’s “Smoke Rings” — was also played way back there, on Episode 12. I mention this, of course, only because there might be someone out there with way too much time on his/her hands who might want to point that out. I’m just saying that I already know. While I am saddened and disappointed in myself, I will go on. But, frankly, I’m enjoying the variety policy as a way of avoiding falling into a rut. For now, that is all....

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